Meet the Dire... Cast
Want to put an image to the voice and see what else we're up to? Look no further... (Except for Helen. Keep looking bud, she's elusive.)
Luki Slinn
Luki is an aspiring climatologist, aspiring writer, and current Fun Aunt.
When not podding, she will generally be found in the company of her dog Bramble, who enjoys Netflix, cooking, and long walks anywhere.
Luki has been described as ‘Terrifyingly efficient’ and ‘Would be a hipster if she cared enough’. Bramble has been described as ‘The cutest thing to ever walk the Earth’ and ‘Dog’.
Matt George Lovett
Matt George Lovett is a simple creature. Most often found in the dark corner of old pubs, beside disused canals and in fireside drum circles. Can be coaxed out with offerings of ale, conversations about Russian filmography and pure liquid jazz.
When not casting pods, spends time shooting horror films and writing television for children. Gets cold very easily so keep it warm and handle with care. A pure, shining natural example of a hipster in deep denial. Also likes steam engines.
Find his band Frontier Station here and here.
Jacob Warr
A purveyor of story & song, Jacob Warr is an aspiring writer, singer and semi-professional Game Master.
An accomplished day-dreamer and refugee from reality, Jacob decided many years ago that he would use his talents for good, crafting immersive and enthralling worlds to entertain his friends, clients and audiences. His games have been described as “an awesome introduction to D&D”, “cinematic” and “the most comfortable I’ve ever been at a stranger’s table”.
You can also see reviews and hire him for your games at Rolldark™ Game Masters Agency and LFGM.
H Folkmans
H is a born and raised Londoner who loves making stuff. Films? Bread? Graphics? Cupboards?! Paintings? Upholstering chairs?! Music?! Podcasts???!
When they're not creating, they're usually found curled up at home eating something yummy, or fighting the garden or the sourdough starter that's gained sentience. When not in lockdown, H likes to escape their 35 houseplants and a cat to go climbing.
To see their work in film and art head over to their website, or take a look at the team they work with at infernoswitchfilms.
Peter Wellman
The self-proclaimed whippersnapper of the group, Peter does not know why he’d be snapping whips in the first place.
Writer, stand-up comedian and quaver consumer, these are just some of the things he has at least attempted to do. He is related to Jacob but he’s not entitled to compensation and he has checked.
A lover of awful films, terrible adverts, bad puns and confusing Luki by being under twenty three, Peter is regularly in the group chat.
The every-person, the newbie, the voice of reason.
Depending on when you asked she lives somewhere, doing something.
The cat is called More. She is round and fluffy and full of love. Worship her.